Meet Alison
My name is Alison Smith, and I’m a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, former teacher, former corporate employee, and now life coach and entrepreneur. I wear a lot of hats – as do you, I suspect. I also have a lot of “former” hats that shape who I am today. My journey started as a classroom teacher, then pivoted to corporate and community leadership and finally consulting. My journey has had a lot of twists and turns, and that’s what’s made it exciting and scary at the same time. Read my whole story and all the ups and downs here.
One things I’ve learned on this crazy rollercoaster ride of life is that there is no one, right way for a life journey to look – except the one that is right for you. And – good news – there are a million beautiful paths!
So now, I am a certified life coach, author, and speaker committed to helping people chart their own course! I ask the hard questions you may be too afraid to ask yourself. The coaching process is powerful and will help you create a personal foundation on which you can solidly stand to make empowering, confident decisions about your life! I create an empowering and encouraging space to enable your growth!
What question would unlock the next chapter of your growth? The journey begins with one step…
Alison is like a best friend and a wizard. She’s helped me navigate a career transition, job changes, professional growth, and a move into management in my new field in a way that has been empowering, confidence building, challenging, and so fruitful. Our conversations seamlessly navigate through professional and personal topics like family, friendship, and marriage. She knows me as a whole person and can spot patterns in how I approach my home life and work life in a way that has helped me better understand myself and be the best version of me. I highly recommend working with her!
~ ReBecca – San francisco, CA
My Mission
My mission is to support you in a process of aligning your life to what’s important to you and to what you desire! Creating an empowering and encouraging space where you can be known and understood, is an incredibly powerful part of the coaching process. We will develop your sense of personal foundation – from developing confidence to uncovering your values and aligning your life to those values. You’ll walk away from coaching understanding and valuing the unique individual you are.
From that strong personal foundation, you will dream and envision a life that sustains and fulfills you. You will have a personal accountability partner in me so you meet your goals, dream big, and reach your highest potential.
But because life isn’t always the mountain-top moments, I will support you in navigating setback, failures, and brokenness. I support you in making meaning from the messes of life, so you can move forward with peace, perspective, and gratitude.
My mission is to encourage, empower, and challenge you to live a life of purpose.